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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity



When we transition to the other side, it is said that, for better or worse, each goes to a sector to be with those like oneself. But who keeps track of what we’ve made of ourselves? How is a determination made concerning initial place of residence?



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from Excursions to the Spirit World by Frederick C. Sculthorp:

I remember reading of a spirit guide explaining to a circle that “spirit is like
electricity, only more subtle”. This I think is very apt and should be borne in mind.
Often when arriving on a plane there seems to be, electrically speaking, a difference
of “potential” between my astral body and the locality, then upon touching an object
I become more “in phase” with that state and full awareness occurs, with a feeling of
greater power and interest.

For ages it has been known by those who study this subject that we have a physical
body and a spirit body, and the latter might thus be conceived as consisting of
electrical forces, arranged in a pattern. Every thought might be likened to an
electrical impulse.

Since the advent of sensitive electronic apparatus, the electrical changes connected
with thought impulses have been recorded. We may think of every thought impulse
as having a specific wavelength or a specific rate of vibration connected therewith,
like waves in radio

All through an individual's life the “electrical” impulse of every thought is impressed
on and held by the spirit body, just as a tape-recorder retains an impression of
electrical impulses. Every thought has a specific rate of vibration; I believe good
thoughts have a high rate, the not so good a lower rate. These combined vibrations
have an average or mean value.

Upon entry into spirit life, a person will naturally and automatically gravitate to his
state in spirit which corresponds to his acts and thoughts throughout life as
reproduced by the “personal tape record”. This automatic attraction to the
appropriate spirit surroundings represents another of the perfect spirit laws.

It is also the answer to those who jokingly say that it would need an unbelievable
amount of celestial “book-keeping” to register every intention, wish, thought and act
of everybody, to be brought up at a future “judgment”. The fact is that everybody is,
knowingly or unknowingly, his or her own accountant

The good and bad acts represented by the higher and lower vibrations oscillating
around the mean value also fix the upper and lower limits of the particular sphere in
the spirit world to which the newcomer is attracted. His scope is thus determined
and he cannot see into higher spheres any more than the average person on earth
can look into the spirit world.

Thus we have one spirit saying: “We eat as we did on earth”, and another: “We do
not need food”. I have seen that both statements, though seemingly mutually
conflicting, are true, but they belong to different spheres.

The lower and intermediate states appear to be vast zones of vibrations, split up like
the radio wave-bands into the tendencies, habits, or desires of the inhabitants, and
are as numerous as only the infinite variety of minds can be. These different states
are in varying degrees of brightness, from dull or lower to the higher and brighter
vibrations, the latter resembling a bright sunny day on earth.


Editor’s last word: